Life and Mindset Coach

Life and Mindset Coach

Helping you tackle obstacles that prevent you living the life you want.

Helping you tackle obstacles that prevent you living the life you want.

Helping you tackle obstacles that prevent you living the life you want.

Understand yourself at a deeper level. Identify your blind spots. Tackle blocks & limiting beliefs. Reduce self sabotage. Access more supportive perspectives. Learn techniques for better decision making. Improve relationships. Build confidence & self-belief. Gain direction & motivation. Create a vision for your life that excites you.

Understand yourself at a deeper level. Identify your blind spots. Tackle blocks & limiting beliefs. Reduce self sabotage. Access more supportive perspectives. Learn techniques for better decision making. Improve relationships. Build confidence & self-belief. Gain direction & motivation. Create a vision for your life that excites you.

Understand yourself at a deeper level. Identify your blind spots. Tackle blocks & limiting beliefs. Reduce self sabotage. Access more supportive perspectives. Learn techniques for better decision making. Improve relationships. Build confidence & self-belief. Gain direction & motivation. Create a vision for your life that excites you.

Hi, I’m Kate.

Hi, I’m Kate.

After spending twelve years in corporate roles, with the final two in workplace wellbeing, I retrained as a coach. I’m obsessed with all things human behaviour, psychology, mindset. What lights me up is seeing people overcome hurdles, grow in confidence and gain clarity about how they want their life to be. 

I believe the opportunity right now for you to create a life that’s shaped differently – one that really excites you – is enormous. 

These days, you can live almost anywhere and do almost anything. So the old fashioned advice to just ‘go to a "good" uni’ and ‘get a "good" job’ isn’t the only option anymore.

Yet many people feel overwhelmed by too many choices or simply don’t know what will make them happy. This is why I’m so passionate about helping people create a unique plan for their life that enables them to feel a true sense of purpose and create their own definition of success. 

If you’re ready to explore coaching email to book a free chemistry call or connect with me on Instagram and LinkedIn to get to know me more.